Watch The Help Video

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BBC Radio 1 (20 mins) View Here

Dave Gorman Show (10 mins) View Here

Chesney Hawkes Proposal in Real People Magazine View Here

The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express, OK Magazine, OMG, Chat, Jack FM, Fox News, Heat World, The Huffington Post, Yahoo OMG, The Steve Austin Show, Talk is Jericho, The Ross Report, Piper’s Pit, The Art of Wrestling and much more..

CelebVM makes it fun and easy for celebrities to connect with genuine fans in a fun, non pressured and safe way with video messages.

Serial entrepreneur Angus Lancaster came up with the idea while teaching One Direction how to walk on Water for their LWWY music video.  He noticed that it was quite often the pushier fans who succeeded in getting a photo or autograph over the shyer more respectful fans and there was no way for the boys to please or be fair to everyone.  So he created the CelebVM APP to allow Celebrities to pick and choose which fans to connect with in their own time, in their own way and without any pressure.  

Over 350 Celebrities are already using it in 3 main ways.

1.   To let fans request personal video messages for personal shoutouts, proposals, birthdays etc (usually at a very affordable prices and often donating all or a percentage to their chosen charities).

2.  To give fans the chance to win a free video message (while raising awareness for their charities)

3.  To make it easy to deal with Q&A and fanmail (celebs pick and choose questions that they want to answer and fans get email an email each time the celebrity records a new video answer).

So far 1000s of fans have been surprised by their favorite celebrities, with notable messages including

Simon Cowell and Sinitta giving encouragement for A-Levels

David Hasselhoff doing a marriage proposal 

Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle encouraging a youngster at a Karate competition

Gary Busey choosing baby names for a couple

Chesney Hawkes singing for someone’s wedding

Only Fools and Horses ‘Boycie’ congratulating on an anniversary

The Office’s Big Keith giving dating advice

Professional Wrestler Big Van Vader giving potty training encouragement